Articles on: Getting Started

How to change a domain

When you create a new website, it has an automatically generated sub-domain at our domain. You can change your website domain name (your website address that is displayed for your visitors) in the Manage options.

Click on the Publish button or drag the mouse pointer over the address bar in the editor and click on Change domain button.

You will see the Change domain button once you hover the mouse pointer over the address bar

Enter the address you would like to have and press Save to publish your website.

Users with Pro websites can also connect custom domains.

How to connect a custom domain

It is usually recommended to connect a custom domain to establish your brand, gain the trust of your customers and get better SEO results.

To connect your custom domain:

In your website Manage options click on Change domain button.

Tick Connect your own domain option, enter your domain and save the changes.

After your changes are saved you will see the necessary data for DNS configuration:

Access your domain provider. Login to your account on the provider website (e.g., GoDaddy, Network Solutions, Namecheap, etc)

Find the DNS zone of your domain and add an A type record for @ (your root domain) pointing to this IP address:

Add a CNAME record for www version pointing to This step is completely optional, you don't have to connect a www version unless you want to.

Make sure your domain doesn’t have AAAA records to avoid any potential misconfiguration errors

After you have changed the DNS settings, click on the Refresh button to check if the propagation is complete.

Connecting a sub-domain

It is also possible to connect your website made with SpreadSimple as a subdomain of your already existing website, like:

To connect a sub-domain:

In your website Manage options click on Change domain button.

Tick Connect your own domain option, enter your subdomain and save the changes.
After your changes are saved you will see the necessary data for DNS configuration:

Access your domain provider and go to the DNS settings of your domain.

Create a new CNAME record with your subdomain resources as Label/Host and add to the Destination/Target field.

After you have changed the DNS settings, click on the Refresh button to check if the propagation is complete.

SSL generation

We provide a free SSL certificate for every website. The certificate will be issued automatically once your new domain (or subdomain) is resolved.
Please note that it may take up to 24-48 hours for new records to propagate.

If the stated period has passed, and you get an SSL error when you enter your website, go to your website manage options and press the Publish button again. This will repeat the attempt to issue the SSL certificate for your website.

How to disconnect a custom domain

To disconnect your custom domain, click on Change domain button.

And untick the Connect custom domain option:

Save the changes and you are all set!

Updated on: 06/03/2023

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