How to change a domain
When you create a new website, it has an automatically generated sub-domain at our domain. You can change your website domain name (your website address that is displayed for your visitors) in the Manage options. Click on the Publish button or drag the mouse pointer over the address bar in the editor and click on Change domain button. You will see the Change domain button once you hover the mouse pointer over the address bar ( readersHow to create a website
There are two ways to create a website on SpreadSimple. First way is to use one of our templates and then edit its source Google Sheet. Or you can simply paste your Google Sheets link and get a website that will be automatically generated for you. Whatever way you choose, it won't take more than several minutes ;) In this help article, we will describe in detail both ways to create a website. Create a website from a template If you don't have your content prepared in your Google Sheets yFew readersWhat is a template and how to use it?
In this help article we will share more details on how our templates work. What is a Template for? We made templates to give you a starting point. Templates See something similar to your case? Choose it and get your website right away. Can't find what you're looking for? It's not a problem. Our templates are pretty flexible and can be customized to serve dFew readersWelcome
Welcome to SpreadSimple help center! 👋 We're excited to see what you build with SpreadSimple 🚀 Click Search at the top right of this page to find what you're looking for. Watch this video to have a general idea on how SpreadSimple works: How to configure and manage your ContentFew readersHow to get coordinates
If you want to use Map view and display all your listings on a map, you need to gather coordinates of your listings in your Google Sheet. In this help article, we will show you two ways how you do it. To find the coordinates Open a map (for example, you can use Google Maps). Enter the address or the name of your object (if applicable) into the search bar: (https://storage.crFew readers