Articles on: Integrations

PayPal Checkout

PayPal Checkout is a part of the shopping cart experience, so first of all, make sure you enabled the 'Order Form' for the action button element.

Enable the order form and cart in your Content Tab -> Button settings

Please note that the Price column needs to be formatted as Currency in your Google Sheet!

Step 2. Enable the PayPal add-on

Go to Checkout Tab, then open Shipping, Fees & Payments menu and click on Enable new add-on:

Then select PayPal from the list of available payment methods:

And switch on the Enable toggler:

Step 3. Get PayPal Client IDs

To go live (Production) you need to create a PayPal business account. You can still use Sandbox in your personal PayPal account to test it out.

Log into the Developer Dashboard with your PayPal account credentials. If you don't have an account, you can click on the sign up option.
On My Apps & Credentials, use the toggle to switch between sandbox and live (production) testing apps.
Navigate to the REST API apps section and click Create App.

Type a name for your app and click Create App. The app details page opens and displays your credentials.

Copy the client ID for your app.

Step 4. Finish the PayPal Checkout Configuration

Select the type of environment and paste the corresponding Client ID from the previous step.
It's better to start with Sandbox and once everything is tested, switch to Live (Production).

Also, you need to select one of the supported currencies. PayPal supports only the listed ones.

You can also change the PayPal button color by choosing from 5 available color themes.

And you can change the Custom title (that will be displayed on card if you add multiple payment methods)

After all necessary changes are done, click Save.

Congratulations! You have connected PayPal checkout! 🎉

Also, check these how-to's

How to create a PayPal-powered online store

How to add multiple payment methods

How to set up Stripe

How to set up Billplz

How to set up Razorpay

How to set up Payplug

Updated on: 30/05/2024

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