SpreadSimple Image Uploader Extension
Our Image uploader extension will allow you to upload the images for your website in a fast and convenient way.
SpreadSimple account
Chrome browser
After installing the extension in your browser, you will be able to select the images from your computer for the instant upload. The image links will be automatically copied to your clipboard and you will be able to paste them directly into your Google Sheet.
Go to the extension page on the Chrome web store and click on the Add to Chrome button.

Sign in to the extension by clicking on the extension icon.

Make sure you are using the same Google account that is tied to your existing SpreadSimple account, otherwise you won’t be able to sign in.
Now you are all done and can start uploading your images.
For a fast image upload, open your website source Google Sheet and a folder where you store the images. Start dragging an image file to the browser window with opened Google Sheet and to the blue box that will automatically pop up once you start dragging the image file:

Or you can open the extension, click on the blue box, and select the file from your computer.
After the image is uploaded, you will see the image link. The link will be also automatically copied to the clipboard.
So you can easily paste the image link to your Google Sheet.

To see all the uploaded images, click on the See all button:

There you can see all your uploaded images.

By default, SpreadSimple is selected as the default image storage. If necessary, you can connect other image upload providers: UploadCare, Cloudinary, Bunny CDN.
To select the upload provider, open upload extension and go to the Settings (click on the gear icon)

Then select Update upload provider settings.
There you will be able to see the list of available upload providers.

You will find the instructions on how to set up each of the upload providers below.
Go to UploadCare and log in to your account (or sign up and create a new one).
In your dashboard, go to the API keys section and copy the Public key.

Paste the Public key to the dedicated field in the UploadCare settings in the extension:

Back in the UploadCare dashboard click on Add Secret key.

Copy the key and add it into the Secret key field in the extension settings:

You can select that provider to be your default one by ticking the box.

After all the necessary changes are made, click on the Save button.
Now the UploadCare upload provider is set up and ready to use.
Go to the Cloudinary and sign in to your account or create a new one.
In your dashboard, you will see the account details (Cloud name, API key and Secret key):

Copy and paste that data to the corresponding fields in the extension settings:

Select Cloudinary to be your default image provider if you want, and save the changes.
Go to Bunny.net and sign in to your account or create a new one.
If you already have your Storage Zone and Pull Zone set up, you can skip this step and move to the step 3.
If you are using Bunny for the first time, you will need to add a new Storage Zone and a new Pull Zone.
First, go to the Storage zone and click +Add Storage Zone button.

Then enter your Storage zone name, select the Main Storage Region and the GEO Replication zone.
After the Storage zone is created, click on Manage Storage Zones and select your zone.

Now you need to connect a Pull Zone.

There you need to enter a new Pull zone name, select tier and pricing zone and click on the +Add pull zone button.
Click on the extension icon and select Bunny as upload provider option.
In the Bunny manage panel, go to the Storage section and select the one you’re going to use to upload your images. Then go to the FTP & API Access.

Copy the Username and Password from the Storage Zone API Information and paste them to the corresponding fields in the extension settings:

In the Bunny manage panel, go to the Pull Zones section and select the zone connected to your storage you’re using with the extension

Then copy the Hostname and add it to the Pull Zone URL field:

Set Bunny as the default upload provider if necessary and save the changes.
What you need to use the extension
SpreadSimple account
Chrome browser
How it works
After installing the extension in your browser, you will be able to select the images from your computer for the instant upload. The image links will be automatically copied to your clipboard and you will be able to paste them directly into your Google Sheet.
How to install the extension
Go to the extension page on the Chrome web store and click on the Add to Chrome button.

Sign in to the extension by clicking on the extension icon.

Make sure you are using the same Google account that is tied to your existing SpreadSimple account, otherwise you won’t be able to sign in.
Now you are all done and can start uploading your images.
How to upload images
For a fast image upload, open your website source Google Sheet and a folder where you store the images. Start dragging an image file to the browser window with opened Google Sheet and to the blue box that will automatically pop up once you start dragging the image file:

Or you can open the extension, click on the blue box, and select the file from your computer.
After the image is uploaded, you will see the image link. The link will be also automatically copied to the clipboard.
So you can easily paste the image link to your Google Sheet.

To see all the uploaded images, click on the See all button:

There you can see all your uploaded images.

How to set up other available upload providers
By default, SpreadSimple is selected as the default image storage. If necessary, you can connect other image upload providers: UploadCare, Cloudinary, Bunny CDN.
To select the upload provider, open upload extension and go to the Settings (click on the gear icon)

Then select Update upload provider settings.
There you will be able to see the list of available upload providers.

You will find the instructions on how to set up each of the upload providers below.
Setting up UploadCare
Go to UploadCare and log in to your account (or sign up and create a new one).
In your dashboard, go to the API keys section and copy the Public key.

Paste the Public key to the dedicated field in the UploadCare settings in the extension:

Back in the UploadCare dashboard click on Add Secret key.

Copy the key and add it into the Secret key field in the extension settings:

You can select that provider to be your default one by ticking the box.

After all the necessary changes are made, click on the Save button.
Now the UploadCare upload provider is set up and ready to use.
Setting up Cloudinary
Go to the Cloudinary and sign in to your account or create a new one.
In your dashboard, you will see the account details (Cloud name, API key and Secret key):

Copy and paste that data to the corresponding fields in the extension settings:

Select Cloudinary to be your default image provider if you want, and save the changes.
Setting up Bunny
Go to Bunny.net and sign in to your account or create a new one.
If you already have your Storage Zone and Pull Zone set up, you can skip this step and move to the step 3.
If you are using Bunny for the first time, you will need to add a new Storage Zone and a new Pull Zone.
First, go to the Storage zone and click +Add Storage Zone button.

Then enter your Storage zone name, select the Main Storage Region and the GEO Replication zone.
After the Storage zone is created, click on Manage Storage Zones and select your zone.

Now you need to connect a Pull Zone.

There you need to enter a new Pull zone name, select tier and pricing zone and click on the +Add pull zone button.
Click on the extension icon and select Bunny as upload provider option.
In the Bunny manage panel, go to the Storage section and select the one you’re going to use to upload your images. Then go to the FTP & API Access.

Copy the Username and Password from the Storage Zone API Information and paste them to the corresponding fields in the extension settings:

In the Bunny manage panel, go to the Pull Zones section and select the zone connected to your storage you’re using with the extension

Then copy the Hostname and add it to the Pull Zone URL field:

Set Bunny as the default upload provider if necessary and save the changes.
Updated on: 03/04/2024
Thank you!